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    Brigit Moston

    For most of my artworks, they are about your own perspective on them. As people may see something entirely different to what I see in my paint/prints. My works are there for the viewers to explore their imagination and think deeply about the concept and what they think the artwork is about. The main message I want my art to communicate is human health, in all concepts with mental health including phobias, eating disorders, depression, bipolar and anxiety etc. And for viewers to understand how they can be seen in a different light. 

    My personal history over my lifetime is brought into my works as I was diagnosed with Lilapsophobia and depression in my tween years around the age of 13. The phobia of weather, storms, and dark clouds took over my brain with fear. To portray how you feel in an artwork is a beautiful way of expressing emotions to share with an audience."

    Works by Brigit Moston